A research project funded by Auf Geht's from
Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Referat Presse und Kommunikation
Research phrase 1: 27.02--04-03.2022 with Emiko Tamura, Ludovica Pinna, Mariane Verbecq, Francesca Pavesio, Minju Kim,
photographer: Kai Strathmann
Filmstudio: Disdance Project, Köln
Videograph: Maurits Boettger
Somatic research phase 1: open studio, 18.04--30.04.2022 with:
Ludovica Pinna, Mariane Verbecq, Francesca Pavesio, Minju Kim, Pin Chen Hsu, Anca Huma, Ying Xiao, Alberto Gunslingerz, Nina Patricia Hänel, Maria Sauerland, Leo Gnatzy, Enora Gemin.
With the friendly support from: FREIRAUM Düsseldorf, Tanzstation Wuppertal, Maria Del Mar Studio Essen, TanzFaktur Köln
Founded by Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, 'Auf Geht's'
03-05.2022 Visual inspiration and research
Inspired by the work of Spanish visual artist Joan Cruspinera: Matrius In/Materials, we will collaborate with lighting designers Philipp Zander and Jari Matsi to bring together the essence of visual art and choreography, creating a beautiful atmosphere through lighting design.
03-05.2022 Visual inspiration and research
Inspired by the work of Spanish visual artist Joan Cruspinera: Matrius In/Materials, we will collaborate with lighting designers Philipp Zander and Jari Matsi to bring together the essence of visual art and choreography, creating a beautiful atmosphere through lighting design.